Empowering Communities, Saving Lives
CAPS Takes Action Against Gun Violence
Learn More About CVI Ecosystems
Our Commitment
Committed to advancing public safety, empowering us to enact meaningful change and foster safer communities for all.
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About US

Who we are

The Coalition to Advance Public Safety (CAPS) is a collaborative effort focused on reducing near-term violence by expanding and strengthening the community violence intervention (CVI) ecosystem.

About the Work

What we do

We partner with cities and direct service providers on the frontlines to provide on-the-ground assessment, technical assistance, coordination, narrative change, and funding support to save lives and heal communities.

How We work
Building Local Capacity

We believe increasing capacity is the key. Governments and program providers need resources, technical supports, and sustainable infrastructure to deliver high-quality programs in communities most impacted by violence.

That’s where CAPS comes in to provide:


We begin our partnerships by reviewing a city’s existing CVI ecosystem – including its government investments, provider infrastructure, and cost of gun violence – to identify existing strengths, diagnose gaps, and inform our city-specific work plan. 

Technical Assistance

To support the implementation of a range of CVI strategies, we provide training, technical assistance, and coaching to government agencies and direct service providers, including on data use, staff management, administrative functions, and program evaluation.


We facilitate coordination and collaboration on the ground between providers, city government, and the national CVI field through the CVI Ecosystem website, a robust online platform offering comprehensive data and analysis of CVI ecosystems in 50 U.S. cities with elevated homicide rates.

Grant Funding

We provide direct grant funding of up to $500,000 per jurisdiction for community organizations to support the implementation of program strengthening and expansion.

Narrative Change

We help our partners share their stories and drive narrative change and thought leadership to make the case for additional public and private sector CVI investment in their cities.

CAPS is dedicated to driving transformational change across cities by addressing gun violence through effective CVI strategies.
Cohort 1
Cohort 2
Cohort 3
Baltimore, MD
Atlanta, GA
Newark, NJ
Los Angeles, CA
Indianapolis, IN
Milwaukee, WI
Baton Rouge, LA
Oakland, CA
OUr Team
CAPS is made up of four national Black-led technical assistance providers to
CVI ecosystem partners

Join the movement for safer communities

Find out how you can contribute to community-led interventions and help reduce gun violence.

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